hdelete - NGSI command

Common Options

Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE broker or server host VALUE (required)
--service VALUE, -s VALUE FIWARE Service VALUE
--path VALUE, -p VALUE FIWARE ServicePath VALUE
--help show help (default: true)

Delete all the data associated to certain attribute of certain entity

This command deletes all the data associated to certain attribute of certain entity.

ngsi hdelete [common options] attr [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE broker or server host VALUE (required)
--service VALUE, -s VALUE FIWARE Service VALUE
--path VALUE, -p VALUE FIWARE ServicePath VALUE
--id VALUE, -i VALUE id
--type VALUE, -t VALUE Entity Type
--attr VALUE attribute name
--run run command (default: false)
--help show help (default: true)



ngsi hdelete --host comet attr --type device --id device001 --attr A1

Delete historical data of a certain entity

This command deletes historical data of a certain entity.

ngsi hdelete [common options] entity [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE broker or server host VALUE (required)
--service VALUE, -s VALUE FIWARE Service VALUE
--path VALUE, -p VALUE FIWARE ServicePath VALUE
--id VALUE, -i VALUE id
--type VALUE, -t VALUE Entity Type
--fromDate VALUE starting date from which data should be retrieved
--toDate VALUE final date until which data should be retrieved
--run run command (default: false)
--help show help (default: true)



ngsi hdelete --host comet entity --type device --id device001


ngsi hdelete --host quantumleap entity --id device003

Delete historical data of all entities of a certain type

This command deletes historical data of all entities of a certain type.

ngsi hdelete [common options] entities [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE broker or server host VALUE (required)
--service VALUE, -s VALUE FIWARE Service VALUE
--path VALUE, -p VALUE FIWARE ServicePath VALUE
--id VALUE, -i VALUE id
--type VALUE, -t VALUE Entity Type
--dropTable drop the table storing an entity type (default: false)
--fromDate VALUE starting date from which data should be retrieved
--toDate VALUE final date until which data should be retrieved
--run run command (default: false)
--help show help (default: true)



ngsi hdelete --host comet entities


ngsi hdelete --host quantumleap entities --type Thing