regproxy - Convenience command

This command allows you to start up a registration proxy server. It's put between a context broker and a Csource/CPr with a protected API endpoint.


This command allows you to start up a registration proxy server.

ngsi regproxy server [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE context broker or csource host (required)
--rhost VALUE host for registration proxy
--port VALUE, -p VALUE port for registration proxy
--url VALUE, -u VALUE url for registration proxy
--replaceService VALUE replace FIWARE-Serivce
--replacePath VALUE replace FIWARE-SerivcePath
--addPath VALUE add path to FIWARE-SerivcePath
--replaceURL VALUE replace URL of forwarding destination
--https, -s start in https (default: false)
--key VALUE, -k VALUE key file (only needed if https is enabled)
--cert VALUE, -c VALUE cert file (only needed if https is enabled)
--verbose, -v verbose (default: false)
--help show help (default: true)


ngsi --stderr info regproxy server --host orion-with-keyrock --verbose

Sanity check

This command allows you to check a regproxy server healthy.

ngsi regproxy health [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE regproxy host (required)
--pretty, -P pretty format (default: false)
--help show help (default: true)


ngsi server add --host regproxy --serverType regproxy --serverHost http://localhost:1028/
ngsi regproxy health --host regproxy --pretty
  "ngsi-go": "regproxy",
  "version": "0.12.0 (git_hash:06a13ec2347c05c9fae96106577c06371b7c6bf5)",
  "health": "OK",
  "csource": "",
  "verbose": false,
  "uptime": "0 d, 1 h, 32 m, 44 s",
  "timesent": 5,
  "success": 4,
  "failure": 1


This command allows you to change configration for a regproxy server.

ngsi regproxy config [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE regproxy host (required)
--verbose VALUE, -v VALUE verbose log (on/off)
--replaceService VALUE replace FIWARE-Serivce
--replacePath VALUE replace FIWARE-SerivcePath
--addPath VALUE add path to FIWARE-SerivcePath
--replaceURL VALUE replace URL of forwarding destination
--pretty, -P pretty format (default: false)
--help show help (default: true)


ngsi regproxy config --host regproxy --verbose on --replacePath "/fiware" --replaceURL "" --pretty
  "verbose": true,
  "path": "/fiware"