Settings - Management command

List current settings

This command allows you to print currnet previous args. If you get confused about a behavior of NGSI Go, please run this command to check previous values. You can clear previous values with ngsi settings clear.

ngsi settings list [options]


Options Description
--all ail itmes (default: false)
--help show help (default: true)

Example 1

ngsi settings list
Host: orion
FIWARE-Service: openiot
Syslog: debug

Example 2

ngsi settings list --all
Host: orion

Delete currnet settings

ngsi settings list [options]


Options Description
--items VALUE, -i VALUE itmes
--help show help (default: true)


ngsi settings delete --items service,syslog

Clear currnet settings

This command allows you to clear currnet previous args. If you get confused about a behavior of NGSI Go, please run ngsi settings list command to check previous values. You can clear previous values with this command.

ngsi settings clear [options]


Options Description
--help show help (default: true)

Set previous args mode

This command allows you to turns on or off the previous args mode. When multiple NGSI Go are run at the same time, there is a conflict in writing to the config file. E.g. you run NGSI Go on an interactive shell and run one in background as a batch process at same time. As a result, you may access an unexpected host.

The previous agrs are not stored in the config file when the PreviousArgs mode is off or you run NGSI Go with -B (--batch) option. I recommend to use -Boption and specify explicitly a host, FIWARE Service and FIWARE ServicePath when NGSI Go is used in a shell script.

ngsi settings previousArgs [options]


Options Description
--off, -d off (disable) (default: false)
--on, -e on (enable) (default: false)
--help show help (default: true)