update - NGSI command

This command will update entities, attribute(s), or subscription.

Common Options

Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE broker or server host VALUE (required)
--service VALUE, -s VALUE FIWARE Service VALUE
--path VALUE, -p VALUE FIWARE ServicePath VALUE
--help show help (default: true)

Update multiple entities

This command updates multiple entities.

ngsi update [common options] entities [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE broker or server host VALUE (required)
--service VALUE, -s VALUE FIWARE Service VALUE
--path VALUE, -p VALUE FIWARE ServicePath VALUE
--data VALUE, -d VALUE entities data (required)
--keyValues, -K keyValues (default: false)
--noOverwrite, -n noOverwrite (default: false)
--replace, -r replace (default: false)
--link VALUE, -L VALUE @context VALUE (LD)
--context VLAUE, -C VLAUE @context VLAUE (LD)
--help show help (default: true)


ngsi update entities

Update an attribute

This command updates an attribute.

ngsi update [common options] attr [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE broker or server host VALUE (required)
--service VALUE, -s VALUE FIWARE Service VALUE
--path VALUE, -p VALUE FIWARE ServicePath VALUE
--id VALUE, -i VALUE entity id (required)
--attr VALUE attribute name (required)
--data VALUE, -d VALUE attribute data
--link VALUE, -L VALUE @context VALUE (LD)
--context VLAUE, -C VLAUE @context VLAUE (LD)
--safeString VALUE use safe string (VALUE: on/off)
--help show help (default: true)


ngsi update attr

Update attribute instance of temporal entity

Update an attribute instance of temporal entity

This command updates an attribute instance of temporal entity.

ngsi update [common options] tattr [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE broker or server host VALUE (required)
--service VALUE, -s VALUE FIWARE Service VALUE
--path VALUE, -p VALUE FIWARE ServicePath VALUE
--id VALUE, -i VALUE temporal entity id (required)
--attr VALUE attribute name (required)
--instanceId VALUE attribute instance id (LD) (required)
--data VALUE, -d VALUE attribute instance of temporal entity
--link VALUE, -L VALUE @context VALUE (LD)
--context VLAUE, -C VLAUE @context VLAUE (LD)
--safeString VALUE use safe string (VALUE: on/off)
--help show help (default: true)

Update multiple attributes

This command updates multiple attributes.

ngsi update [common options] attrs [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE broker or server host VALUE (required)
--service VALUE, -s VALUE FIWARE Service VALUE
--path VALUE, -p VALUE FIWARE ServicePath VALUE
--id VALUE, -i VALUE entity id (required)
--type VALUE, -t VALUE entity type
--keyValues, -K keyValues (default: false)
--data VALUE, -d VALUE attributes data
--link VALUE, -L VALUE @context VALUE (LD)
--context VLAUE, -C VLAUE @context VLAUE (LD)
--safeString VALUE use safe string (VALUE: on/off)
--help show help (default: true)


ngsi update attrs

Update a subscription

This command update a subscription.

ngsi update [common options] subscription [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE broker or server host VALUE (required)
--service VALUE, -s VALUE FIWARE Service VALUE
--path VALUE, -p VALUE FIWARE ServicePath VALUE
--id VALUE, -i VALUE subscription id (required)
--data VALUE, -d VALUE subscription data
--skipInitialNotification skipInitialNotification (default: false)
--subscriptionId VALUE subscription id (LD)
--name VALUE subscription name (LD)
--description VALUE description
--entityId VALUE entity id
--idPattern VALUE idPattern
--type VALUE, -t VALUE entity type
--typePattern VALUE typePattern (v2)
--wAttrs VALUE watched attributes
--timeInterval VALUE time interval (LD)
--query VALUE, -q VALUE filtering by attribute value
--mq VALUE, -m VALUE filtering by metadata (v2)
--geometry VALUE geometry
--coords VALUE coords
--georel VALUE georel
--geoproperty VALUE geoproperty (LD)
--csf VALUE context source filter (LD)
--active active (LD) (default: false)
--inactive inactive (LD) (default: false)
--nAttrs VALUE attributes to be notified
--keyValues, -K keyValues (default: false)
--uri VALUE, -u VALUE uri/url to be invoked when a notification is generated
--accept VALUE accept header (json or ld+json)
--expires VALUE, -e VALUE expires
--throttling VALUE throttling
--timeRel VALUE temporal relationship (LD)
--timeAt VALUE timeAt (LD)
--endTimeAt VALUE endTimeAt (LD)
--timeProperty VALUE timeProperty (LD)
--link VALUE, -L VALUE @context VALUE (LD)
--context VLAUE, -C VLAUE @context VLAUE (LD)
--status VALUE status
--headers VALUE headers (v2)
--qs VALUE qs (v2)
--method VALUE method (v2)
--payload VALUE payload (v2)
--metadata VALUE metadata (v2)
--exceptAttrs VALUE exceptAttrs (v2)
--attrsFormat VALUE attrsFormat (v2)
--safeString VALUE use safe string (VALUE: on/off)
--raw handle raw data (default: false)
--help show help (default: true)


ngsi update subscription --id 5fa78b70627088ba9b91b1c0 --expires 1day