services - IoT Agent command

This command allows you to list, create, update and delete service entry for IoT Agent.

Common Options

Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE broker or server host VALUE (required)
--service VALUE, -s VALUE FIWARE Service VALUE
--path VALUE, -p VALUE FIWARE ServicePath VALUE
--help show help (default: true)

List configuration groups

This command lists configuration groups.

ngsi services [command options] list [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE broker or server host VALUE (required)
--service VALUE, -s VALUE FIWARE Service VALUE
--path VALUE, -p VALUE FIWARE ServicePath VALUE
--limit VALUE maximum number of services
--offset VALUE offset to skip a given number of elements at the beginning
--resource VALUE uri for the iotagent
--pretty, -P pretty format (default: false)
--help show help (default: true)



ngsi services list --pretty

  "count": 1,
  "services": [
      "commands": [],
      "lazy": [],
      "attributes": [],
      "_id": "601e25597d7b3d691be82d23",
      "resource": "/iot/d",
      "apikey": "apikey",
      "service": "openiot",
      "subservice": "/",
      "__v": 0,
      "static_attributes": [],
      "internal_attributes": [],
      "entity_type": "Event"

<a name="create-a-configuration-group"></a>

## Create a configuration group 

This command creates a configuration group.

ngsi services [command options] create [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE broker or server host VALUE (required)
--service VALUE, -s VALUE FIWARE Service VALUE
--path VALUE, -p VALUE FIWARE ServicePath VALUE
--data VALUE data body (payload)
--apikey VALUE a key used for devices belonging to this service
--token VALUE token obtained from the authentication system
--cbroker VALUE url of context broker or broker alias
--type VALUE, -t VALUE Entity Type
--resource VALUE uri for the iotagent
--help show help (default: true)



ngsi services create \
--apikey apikey \
--cbroker http://orion:1026 \
--type Event \
--resource /iot/d


ngsi services --host iota create --data \
  "services": [
      "apikey": "apikey",
      "cbroker": "http://orion:1026",
      "entity_type": "Thing",
      "resource": "/iot/d"

Update a configuration group

This command updates a configuration group.

ngsi services [command options] update [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE broker or server host VALUE (required)
--service VALUE, -s VALUE FIWARE Service VALUE
--path VALUE, -p VALUE FIWARE ServicePath VALUE
--resource VALUE uri for the iotagent (required)
--data VALUE data body (payload)
--apikey VALUE a key used for devices belonging to this service
--token VALUE token obtained from the authentication system
--cbroker VALUE url of context broker or broker alias
--type VALUE, -t VALUE Entity Type
--help show help (default: true)



ngsi services update \
--resource /iot/d \
--apikey 4jggokgpepnvsb2uv4s40d59ov \
--type Event

Delete a configuration group

This command deletes a configuration group.

ngsi services [command options] delete [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE broker or server host VALUE (required)
--service VALUE, -s VALUE FIWARE Service VALUE
--path VALUE, -p VALUE FIWARE ServicePath VALUE
--resource VALUE uri for the iotagent (required)
--apikey VALUE a key used for devices belonging to this service
--device remove devices in service/subservice (default: false)
--help show help (default: true)



ngsi services delete --resource /iot/d
ngsi services delete --resource /iot/d --device on