broker - Management command

List brokers

ngsi broker list [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE context broker host alias
--json, -j JSON format (default: false)
--pretty, -P pretty format (default: false)
--clearText show obfuscated items as clear text (default: false)
--singleLine, -1 list one file per line (default: false)
--help show help (default: true)

Example 1

ngsi broker list
orion orion-ld mylab

Example 2

ngsi broker list --host orion
brokerHost http://localhost:1026
ngsiType v2
safeString on

Example 3

ngsi broker list --json

Get broker

ngsi broker get [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE context broker host alias (required)
--json, -j JSON format (default: false)
--pretty, -P pretty format (default: false)
--clearText show obfuscated items as clear text (default: false)
--help show help (default: true)

Example 1

ngsi broker get --host orion
brokerHost http://orion:1026
ngsiType v2

Example 2

ngsi broker get --host orion --json

Add broker

ngsi broker add [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE context broker host alias (required)
--brokerHost VALUE, -b VALUE context broker host address or alias
--ngsiType VALUE NGSI type: v2 or ld
--brokerType VALUE NGSI-LD broker type: orion-ld, scorpio or stellio
--idmType VALUE, -t VALUE token type
--idmHost VALUE, -m VALUE identity manager host
--apiPath VALUE, -a VALUE API path
--username VALUE, -U VALUE username
--password VALUE, -P VALUE password
--clientId VALUE, -I VALUE client id
--clientSecret VALUE, -S VALUE client secret
--headerName VALUE header name for apikey
--headerValue VALUE header value for apikey
--headerEnvValue VALUE name of environment variable for apikey
--tokenScope VALUE scope for token
--token VALUE token VALUE
--service VALUE, -s VALUE FIWARE Service VALUE
--path VALUE, -p VALUE FIWARE ServicePath VALUE
--safeString VALUE use safe string (VALUE: on/off)
--overWrite, -O overwrite broker alias (default: false)
--help show help (default: true)
  • The --brokerType option is used with --ngsiType ld option when adding a NGSI-LD broker. It is not needed for NGSIv2.

Note: Orion interprets the FIWARE Service name (tenant name) in lowercase. To use a coherent FIWARE Service name, NGSI Go allows only lowercase letters in FIWARE Service name. Please have a look at MULTI TENANCY section in Orion documentation.

Example 1

NGSIv2 (for FIWARE Orion)

ngsi broker add \
  --host orion \
  --brokerHost http://localhost:1026 \
  --ngsiType v2

Example 2

NGSI-LD Broker

ngsi broker add \
  --host orion-ld \
  --brokerHost http://localhost:1026 \
  --ngsiType ld

Example 3

NGSI-LD Broker

ngsi broker add \
  --host scorpio \
  --brokerHost http://localhost:9090 \
  --ngsiType ld \
  --brokerType scorpio

Example 4

Orion-LD with Keyrock

ngsi broker add \
  --host orion-ld \
  --ngsiType ld \
  --brokerHost https://orion-ld \
  --idmType keyrock \
  --idmHost https://keyrock/oauth2/token \
  --username \
  --password 0123456789 \
  --clientId 00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444 \
  --clientSecret 55555555-6666-7777-8888-999999999999

Example 5

Telefónica Thinking Cities (Keystone)

ngsi broker add \
  --host myinstance \
  --ngsiType v2 \
  --brokerHost http://localhost:1026 \
  --idmType ThinkingCities \
  --idmHost http://localhost:5001/v3/auth/tokens \
  --username usertest \
  --password '<ofuscated>' \
  --service smartcity

Example 6

Orion with Keycloak

ngsi broker add \
  --host orion-with-keycloak \
  --ngsiType v2 \
  --brokerHost http://localhost:1026 \
  --idmType keycloak \
  --idmHost http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/fiware_service \
  --username fiware \
  --password 1234 \
  --clientId ngsi_api \
  --clientSecret 8eb5d01d-d155-4b73-9414-a3c28ee4aba6

Example 7

Orion with WSO2

ngsi broker add \
  --host orion-with-wso2 \
  --ngsiType v2 \
  --brokerHost http://localhost:1026 \
  --idmType wso2 \
  --idmHost http://wso2am:8243/token \
  --username fiware \
  --password 1234 \
  --clientId 0000000000000000000000_A_ZZZ \
  --clientSecret 00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444

Example 8

Orion with Kong (client credentials)

ngsi broker add \
  --host kong \
  --ngsiType v2 \
  --brokerHost http://localhost:8443/ngsi \
  --idmType kong \
  --idmHost "https://localhost:8443/ngsi/oauth2/token,http://localhost:8001/" \
  --clientId orion \
  --clientSecret 1234

Example 9

Orion with Basic authentication

ngsi broker add \
  --host orion-with-basic-auth \
  --ngsiType v2 \
  --brokerHost http://localhost:1026/ \
  --idmType basic \
  --username fiware \
  --password 1234

Example 11

Orion with APIKEY

ngsi broker add --host orion-with-apikey \
  --ngsiType v2 \
  --brokerHost http://localhost:1026/ \
  --idmType apikey \
  --headerName Authorization \
  --headerValue "Bearer magic1234"

Example 12

Orion with APIKEY (environment value)

export TOKEN="Bearer magic1234"
ngsi broker add --host orion-with-apikey-env \
  --ngsiType v2 \
  --brokerHost http://localhost:1026/ \
  --idmType apikey \
  --headerName Authorization \
  --headerEnvValue TOKEN

NGSI type

Specify v2 to --ngsiType when you add an alias for FIWARE Orion Context Broker.

Parameters for Identity Managers

idmType Required parameters Description
basic username, password Basic authentication
password idmHost, username, password, clientId, clientSecret This type is for Password Credentials.
keyrock idmHost, username, password, clientId, clientSecret This type is for Password Credentials of Keyrock.
KeyrockTokenProvider idmHost, username, password It provides auth token from Keyrock.
tokenproxy idmHost, username, password It provides auth token from Keyrock.
ThinkingCities idmHost, username, password It provides auth token from Keystone.
Keycloak idmHost, username, password, clientId, clientSecret It provides auth token from Keycloak.
WSO2 idmHost, username, password, clientId, clientSecret It provides auth token from WSO2.
Kong (client credentials) idmHost, clientId, clientSecret It provides auth token from Kong.
apikey headerName, either headerValue or headerEnvValue It allows you to set a header name and a header value.

FIWARE Service and FIWARE ServicePath

Specify the --service and/or --path parameter when adding a new alias.

Example 1

ngsi broker add \
  --host myinstance \
  --brokerHost http://localhost:1026 \
  --ngsiType v2 \
  --service open \
  --path /iot

You can add a new alias using an exising alias. Specify an existing alias to the --brokerHost parameter when adding a new alias.

Example 2

ngsi broker add \
  --host myinstance \
  --brokerHost orion \
  --service open \
  --path /iot

API Path

The NGSI Go assumes that the root of NGSI API is a root of URL.

You should use the --apiPath parameter if your broker has a special URL.

If the root of the NGSI API is in a sub-directory:


You should set the --apiPath parameter to as shown:

--apiPath "/,/orion"

If the path of NGSI API is changed to a special path:


You should set the --apiPath parameter to as shown:

--apiPath "/v2,/orion/v2.0"

Update broker

ngsi broker upadte [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE context broker host alias (required)
--brokerHost VALUE, -b VALUE context broker host address or alias
--ngsiType VALUE NGSI type: v2 or ld
--brokerType VALUE NGSI-LD broker type: orion-ld, scorpio or stellio
--idmType VALUE, -t VALUE token type
--idmHost VALUE, -m VALUE identity manager host
--apiPath VALUE, -a VALUE API path
--username VALUE, -U VALUE username
--password VALUE, -P VALUE password
--clientId VALUE, -I VALUE client id
--clientSecret VALUE, -S VALUE client secret
--headerName VALUE header name for apikey
--headerValue VALUE header value for apikey
--headerEnvValue VALUE name of environment variable for apikey
--tokenScope VALUE scope for token
--token VALUE token VALUE
--service VALUE, -s VALUE FIWARE Service VALUE
--path VALUE, -p VALUE FIWARE ServicePath VALUE
--safeString VALUE use safe string (VALUE: on/off)
--help show help (default: true)

Example 1

ngsi broker update --host orion --ngsiType v2

Delete broker

ngsi broker upadte [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE context broker host alias (required)
--help show help (default: true)

Example 1

ngsi broker delete --host orion