apis- Convenience command

This command prints the version of FIWARE GE specified by the --host option.

ngsi version [options]


Options Description
--host VALUE, -h VALUE broker or server host VALUE (required)
--pretty, -P pretty format (default: false)
--help show help (default: true)


ngsi version -h orion
"orion" : {
  "version" : "3.6.0",
  "uptime" : "0 d, 0 h, 0 m, 1 s",
  "git_hash" : "973850279e63d58cb93dff751648af5ec6e05777",
  "compile_time" : "Wed Mar 2 10:34:48 UTC 2022",
  "compiled_by" : "root",
  "compiled_in" : "5e6b6f1167f7",
  "release_date" : "Wed Mar 2 10:34:48 UTC 2022",
  "machine" : "x86_64",
  "doc" : "https://fiware-orion.rtfd.io/en/3.6.0/",
  "libversions": {
     "boost": "1_66",
     "libcurl": "libcurl/7.61.1 OpenSSL/1.1.1k zlib/1.2.11 nghttp2/1.33.0",
     "libmosquitto": "2.0.12",
     "libmicrohttpd": "0.9.70",
     "openssl": "1.1",
     "rapidjson": "1.1.0",
     "mongoc": "1.17.4",
     "bson": "1.17.4"
ngsi version --host comet
ngsi version --host quantumleap
  "version": "0.7.6"